Sunday, March 18, 2012

Past, Present, and Future

I've been meaning to start a travel scrapbook for a long time. I've saved ticket stubs, gone to scrapbook stores and tried to pick out something that fit, but I figured that's not really my style.

So I decided to chronicle my adventures on this blog. No one might read this other than me so I will treat this as my personal travel diary. I really wish I would've started this up I have to make posts on all my past travels. Hopefully, my blog could also help those who wants to travel to the places I've been to.

SO. A little personal goal of mine. My dad has a huge passion for traveling that he obviously passed onto me. He took me and my big brother all around USA - feeding prairie dogs in Yellowstone, driving down from New Jersey to Disney World, looking at country guitar collections in Nashville, and eating lobsters in Maine (I had a stomach ache at this crucial time and had to watch everyone else eat that deliciousness without me). I loved everything I saw and somewhere along the way decided that I would like to see every state in this country. Even the ones other people might think boring (I'm looking at you Nebraska), I've been able to find some local flare that made it enjoyable for me. I really do think every state has something to offer. So that's my goal. To hit all 50 states. 40 down, 10 to go. I will be slowly making posts of my past travels.

Another big goal of mine: Vietnam. I don't know what it is about this country, but it look so appealing to me. I had the dream to quit my job and move there for a year or so someday. We'll see how that pans out. For now, I have plans to travel there in the next year or so.

This is getting pretty lengthy. I should probably stop here and put up some content.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


This is a collection from when I went to Seattle.

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